Kids Tutoring Kids

Our mission

Empower elementary students with accessible, online tutoring that improves academic success and builds confidence while providing an opportunity for volunteer high-school tutors to gain experience and gratification through helping others. Click here to read more about us.

Weekly tutoring sessions your child asks for

After The School Bell is where tutoring becomes a fantastic experience for everyone involved. Elementary school students will understand their lessons more easily and high school students will get a chance to give back. Even more than that, it’s an opportunity for growth for everyone involved: young students have someone to look up to and high school students become role models who help change lives. ATSB is a platform where everyone benefits and everyone enjoys.

This month's learning is lovingly dedicated to the beautiful neshama of Yakir Hexter, 27, HY"D. Yakir fell in battle in Gaza on January 8th alongside his dear chavrusa, David Schwartz, with whom he continued delving into Rav Asher Weiss's Minchas Asher even amid combat. An exemplar of chessed, Yakir lived by the principle that giving of one's time is as important as maaser kesafim. He tutored and acted as a "big brother" to those less fortunate, whether ensuring new students felt welcomed in yeshiva or inviting others to join him and his friends at their dining table. A diligent Torah scholar, Yakir's dedication was unwavering. Klal Yisrael mourns this incredible young man whose tragic loss leaves an immense void. May this month's learning serve as an eternal zechus for him and all of Klal Yisrael


Homework is hard. Homework for multiple kids - even harder! Maybe your child could use some extra one-on-one time, or maybe there is just too much going on at home. But driving to and from a session after school is impossible and the fee for a private tutor is prohibitive. Guess what? ATSB is fun, affordable, and available from the comfort of your home!


School is long and tiring, and when you add homework to the mix, it’s exhausting. That’s why ATSB was created just for you. You get paired with a high school student who is well-versed in the subject you want help with and has time to guide you with homework in a fun and low-pressure atmosphere. It's a win-win situation for you and them. Are you ready?!


You’re a high school student and you want to get involved in a project that gives back to others. You are INCREDIBLE! Our platform is set up so that you get to help younger students with skills that you already have, plus, you get a built-in network of other tutors just like you! Stay tuned to hear about our exclusive tutor programs, contests, and rewards...Yup, for you!

ready to get started?

It just takes a few minutes to sign up for an account.

How It works - for students


1 - Create an account

Fill out some basic information and set up your parental settings. This helps us pair your child with the right tutor.


2 - Choose your preferences

You can be as specific as you like. Choose the subject your child needs extra help in and the best timing!


3 - Approve the match

When a tutor who fits your criteria selects your child's profile you’ll be notified of a pending match to approve.



Parents pay $18 per child monthly to help us cover basic operating costs. Participating elementary  schools also pay a nominal monthly fee for their students to be part of ATSB.

How It works - for Tutors


1 - Apply for account

Fill out some basic information and provide a personal reference. This allows us to create your account and get started!


2 - Choose your preferences

Which subjects do you enjoy most? You can choose your favorite subjects, grade levels, and the timing that works best.


3 - Choose a match

The program will offer you matches that fit your preferences. Now, just select a student who will be a good fit for you!

ready to get started?

It just takes a few minutes to sign up for an account.

Some things our students gain:

  • Stronger Academics
  • Growth in Confidence
  • Sense Of Responsibility
  • Meaningful Relationships
I really enjoyed tutoring. It feels amazing to help someone else be successful in school and reach their full potential.
This is an awesome idea and [the tutor] was too sweet!
It is a really amazing opportunity to get to know someone new and make connections with them. It feels so great to contribute and assist my student in such a fun and exciting way.
The tutor explained the material well and was easy to follow. The tutor gave positive feedback.
The look on the parent’s face when I told them all the ATSB tutors are volunteers was priceless. It makes you feel like a part of something big that is really impacting lives. Thank you ATSB!
Really very impressed!
Tutoring has been incredibly gratifying for me, watching my student gain understanding and self-confidence, and the smile that breaks out on her face when she does a difficult problem on her own. I love knowing that I contributed to that.
She was friendly [and] helpful. My daughter was able to remain involved and interested.
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ready to get started?

It just takes a few minutes to sign up for an account.